Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Retreat July 31, 2007

Yesterday was the Library’s Revisioning Task Force Retreat. The comments that I have heard over and over again was how much fun it was, what a good idea, and how great it was to be with your Joyner colleagues all day and to have the opportunity to get to know or even meet some of your colleagues.

I have heard from more than one person “I have worked in this Library for years, but at the retreat I was able to put faces with names for the first time.”

Others have told me that they loved working together on group activities with folks from across the Library, including our colleagues in the Music Library. Many have also asked me when can we do this again? Nothing is planned, but I certainly will keep this in mind when planning our schedule for the next few months.

I loved the openness and willingness to speak up. I thought that Maureen really handled the entire day with such professionalism and aplomb. I can not remember when I have seen such a good facilitator. Thanks again to the RTF for all of their hard work—planning, finding and hiring Maureen, choosing the Murphy Center, and the feeding us. It all went off w/o a hitch. Would that everything we do works so well, What do you think?

Treo phone photos from the retreat (my apologies for the quality)


Anonymous said...

Hey, have people seen that there was an ALA Techsource Gaming, Learning, and Libraries Symposium in Chicago July 22-24? See
Giz Womack was a presenter. (Sorry if that wasn't a hotlink; not sure how to do that: inexperienced blogger.)

Anonymous said...

Hi Patricia,

Thanks for heads up! Giz mentioned a couple of times that he was presenting in Chicago...never mentioned that it was the ALA TGLL Symposium.

The links on the web site provide tons of great information that the Gaming Night Committee can use.

We will be hosting a Gaming Night in September! Don't fret, you'll be bombarded with a variety of ads for it in the near future.

Hope to see you and the family there!