Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fun in the Sun

I did not write anything last week—much of the time I was on vacation. Early in the week, Sue and I spent three days at Atlantic Beach with my elder daughter, Bryn, and her husband Grant. What a relaxing time, and to have 80 degree, non-humid weather during the first week of July is nothing short of extraordinary.

Friday, we all traveled up to DC for our niece Susie’s, wedding. She was a beautiful bride and I was fortunate enough to be able to walk her down the aisle.

Ah, but back to the Library and business.

Yesterday, I heard Gloria Bradshaw say something which I plan to take as my personal mantra, “We should do our jobs and our duties by providing help as if we were the ones who needed it.”

I was really glad to see the turn out to hear the presentation of the R2 Workflow Analysis—there must have been 70 or more people. Rick and Hester did a great job, and you seemed very engaged. Jan Lewis sent out the report to everyone in the Library. Please, please take some quality time to read through the report very carefully, make notes, and note your questions—then pass those on to Jan as soon as you can. I have asked Jan to form up an Implementation Task Force to set priorities and put forth a time line for implementation. R2 has a great deal of experience in doing these analyses and my initial impression is that they were right on in their recommendations, so I am assuming we will be carrying out their recommendations unless there is some overwhelming reason not to. There are some very time critical recommendations, and I hope we can act on them quickly. Of course, we will not be able to carry out all of the recommendations, and certainly won’t be able to carry out all of them in the next couple of weeks. Still I think that R2 has given us a blueprint to make some substantive and needed changes.

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